Benefits of Temporary RV Housing After a Disaster

Dealing with the aftermath of a disaster is never easy. From FEMA to local governments to insurance companies, there are many different agencies and companies that come together to try to help victims displaced by natural and manmade disasters. One of the most pressing needs these victims have is the need for temporary housing.

RVs are a great temporary housing solution for individuals and families affected by the disaster. RVs can offer benefits that are unparalleled by other temporary housing options, including:


RVs are a ridiculously convenient option for temporary housing. We deliver and set up the RV unit in the best location for the client, meaning it can be on their own property when possible. If their property isn’t possible, there are many other possible locations where victims will be close to resources. But disaster situations are fluid. Temporary housing locations may need to change as the events unfold, and with RVs, change is totally possible. Our units can be relocated as often as needed to keep victims safe during recovery efforts.


When an individual has been torn from their home due to disaster, they are stripped of all privacy as they navigate assistance and relief programs searching for help. They are often left waiting in shelters, or in the worst of cases, outside while waiting their turn to request relief. With no walls and cots packed in as tight as possible, disaster victims often live within inches of strangers in a time of mental anguish due to loss of property and possibly even the life of friends and family.

RVs solve this issue by giving each disaster victim and their family a completely separate unit to reside in while remediations are made. The peace of mind this brings to people who are emotionally hurting and just need time to rest is unbelievable.


These RV units are chosen based on the size and space requirements of the individual or family being housed. While an RV cannot typically store everything from a person’s home, most of our clients are pleasantly surprised at how spacious our units can be. Disaster survivors will have room to stretch out instead of being huddled together in a relief shelter.


There’s no temporary housing option as affordable as RVs after a disaster. Hotels, motels, and short-term rentals are notoriously expensive and are limited to only one location. Shelters are cheap but can border on inhumane, depending on management. RVs blow these options out of the water with maximum benefits at a reasonable price.

High-Quality RVs for Temporary Disaster Housing

If you are a nonprofit, government agency, insurance company, or any other type of business that needs temporary housing solutions for disaster victims, RV Housing Group is here to help. We serve customers nationwide after all types of disasters, both natural and manmade. Call us at (800) 656-8706 or request a quote online today.
