Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Reasons RVs are a Better Solution than a Hotel After a Disaster

When disaster strikes, all of a sudden change and disruption to routine can be overwhelming. One of the first things that need to be sorted out is temporary housing for displaced individuals. While hotels, motels, and the like are the traditional choice for this need, we believe that RVs present a much better option. RVs […]

Why RVs Convenient Solution for Families with Young Children After a Disaster

Natural or man-made disasters are always devastating, but they’re even worse when you have a family with young children. Children can be especially sensitive to sudden change, and having their safety and security ripped away so abruptly can cause serious emotional damage and lifelong problems. Minimizing the change after a disaster is ideal, and housing […]

Why RVs Are a Great Housing Solutions for Front Line Workers

Front line workers are the backbone of our nation. Without them, our citizens and visitors would be truly lost when a disaster strikes. We’ve seen again and again how our front-line workers take on the impossible with limited resources and a skeleton crew. Isn’t it time we started giving our front-line workers the tools they […]

Benefits of Temporary RV Housing After a Disaster

Dealing with the aftermath of a disaster is never easy. From FEMA to local governments to insurance companies, there are many different agencies and companies that come together to try to help victims displaced by natural and manmade disasters. One of the most pressing needs these victims have is the need for temporary housing. RVs […]

Situations When RVs Make a Great Temporary Housing Solution

When you need temporary housing solutions for your clients, you’ll quickly find that the market is small and often quite expensive. That’s why RVs are a great option for any situation where temporary housing is needed. RVs are affordable, reliable, and offer privacy that other temporary housing options can’t match. We often provide RVs as […]

Benefits of RV Temporary Housing

If you need temporary housing for your clients or employees, the number of options available to you might be overwhelming. From hotels to motels to short-term rentals, there are many inconvenient, expensive, and potentially dangerous options available. That’s definitely not where you want to put your clients, employees, or their families! RVs are the Best […]
